Boat moorage facilities at Bulmer's Pointe will reach final design and approval by March 1, 2008. Several options are being considered. In addition to Bulmer's Pointe facilities, you'll find service, supplies, moorage and good advice and company at numerous marinas along the shores of Kootenay Lake. Here are a few:
Beachcombers Resort & Marina, Kaslo
From lures and reels to boats and guides, Beachcombers Marina caters to the passions and pleasures or the sport fishermen (and women). Home of the annual Gerrard Rainbow Derby, the Beachcomber is the perfect place to drop in for supplies and the latest reports on what's biting where. Or stay a while to enjoy Beachcombers' fine dining, great service and warm hospitality.
Call: 888.300.2225
Visit: www.bcsportfish.com/kaslobay.htm
Schroeder Creek Resort & Marina, Kaslo
The sheltered marina at Schroeder Creek makes for easy docking and launching. The marina offers boat gas, propane and fishing licenses (as well as a freezer facility). A scenic, relaxing setting with plenty of supplies and amenities. Address 128 Bickel Road
Call: 250.353.7383
E-mail: inquiries@schroedercreekresort.com
Visit: www.schroedercreekresort.com
Woodbury Resort & Marina, Ainsworth
A membership resort with marina, JB's licensed restaurant & pub, recreation centre, country store, fishing charters, boat rentals and sani station. Close to the world famous "Jones Boys Boats" - the high volume dealership in quality boats.
Call: 250.353.7717
E-mail: woodburyresort@kootenays.com
Visit: www.kootenays.com
Jones Boys Boats Ltd.
West Kootenay's largest recreational boating centre, this one-stop boating and all-terrain vehicle dealer offers new and used sales plus certified services for Yamaha, Mercury and Volvo Penta. Parts, accessories, installations, custom boat tops, fiberglass and marine gellcoat repairs and more also offered.
Address: 4080 Highway 31, Ainsworth.
Call: 1.877.552.6287
E-mail: info@jonesboysboats.com
Visit: www.jonesboysboats.com
Bayshore Resort & Restaurant, near Gray Creek
A full service resort with marina, camping and restaurant between Gray Creek and Boswell.
Call: 250.223.8270 (summer) 250.353.4370 (winter)
E-mail: bayshoreresort@hotmail.com
Visit: www.bayshoreresort.tripod.com
The Lakeview Store & Campground, Gray Creek
Virtually everything boaters and campers could need, including marina, boat launch, well-stocked grocery store and RV and tent campground. Open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Saturday and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays at 14729 Highway 3A, Gray Creek.
Call: 1.877.227.9311
E-mail: office@kootenaylakeview.com
Visit: www.kootenaylakeview.com